Morning Shoot Around

Its getting more and more challenging to get around paywalls.. But anyway more nuggets are coming out as the NLL looks forward to the next five years.

  • Seeking separate linear and digital media deals  in the US and Canada.
  • NLL will be launching a sports betting platform in December when the season starts.
  • Teams and League exploring getting into NFT’s.
  • Looking to get to 20 teams in the next five years.

If you are asking what exactly an NFT is? You can find out more about NTFs HERE


Expansion and Coming Media deal

Looks like the magic number for the NLL is 16 teams.

Right now it appears the NLL is focusing on Big markets.

  • Boston
  • Chicago
  • Houston
  • Los Angeles
  • San Francisco
  • Tampa
  • Canadian expansion also on the table

Media deal coming soon. (Stop us if you heard that one before.)

Fort Worth will get first overall pick in each round of the entry draft.



Where should the NLL expand next

Must be a slow day at the NLL office.  You can find the tweet HERE

Interesting that Vegas is not among the cities listed.

The NLL has failed before in eight of the fourteen cities listed.

  1. Baltimore – ( Thunder 1987 – 1999 )
  2. Chicago – ( Shamrox 2007 – 2008 )
  3. Boston – ( Blazers 1.0 1992 – 1997) – ( Blazers 2.0 2009 – 2011 )
  4. Edmonton – (Rush 2006 – 20015)
  5. Montreal – (Express 2002)
  6. Phoenix – (Sting 2004 – 2007)
  7. Charlotte – (Cobras 1996) Remember the Cobras
  8. Ottawa – (Rebel 2001-2003)

Now for first time cities.

  1.  Kansas City – Welcome back Russ ?
  2. Quebec City – Would prefer Montreal..
  3. Tampa Bay – Road Trip
  4. Winnipeg – Arena dates could be tough to come by
  5. Hartford – Would try Boston for the third time before trying Hartford.
  6. Seattle – Let the Kraken get settled in first.

Expansion Poll

Did the NLL just mention future expansion candidates? You see for yourself HERE

NLL Draft Trivia: The 14th franchise, joining in 2021-22, is located in:

Fort Worth
Las Vegas

NLL expanding to 14 teams

NLL commissioner Nick Sakiewicz was interviewed during halftime of the Bandits – Thunderbirds contest and stated that the league will be announcing its 14th team very shortly.

Basically confirming what has been an open secret for a while.

You can check out the tweet HERE


Friday Five: NLL Commissioner Nick Sakiewicz On Growth & Expansion

You can read the full interview HERE

Couple takeaways from the interview.

We’ve expanded two teams in each of the last two seasons.

Our goal right now is to get three new expansion teams in this next phase. We have seven cities vying for those spots.

There has been a 100% plus increase in expansion fees since the San Diego Seals were awarded in 2017 [Editor’s note: The Seals paid a reported $5 million expansion fee]. This next round, we’re into eight figures. Those fees have been rocket fuel for our growth.

Sakiewicz: It’s sensory overload for two hours, and I think it speaks to a young generation – a young demographic of gen-Z and millennials. Our teams have been able to create a great business off of selling a ticket off of an entertaining event and commercializing it that way while the lacrosse market grows.

Nick continues to overlook that fan attendance habits are changing. Its going to be real interesting, to see how the fans changing attendance habits impacts NLL attendance moving forward.  

Hey if you enjoy betting on the XFL, you can soon bet on the NLL as well.