Where should the NLL expand next

Must be a slow day at the NLL office.  You can find the tweet HERE

Interesting that Vegas is not among the cities listed.

The NLL has failed before in eight of the fourteen cities listed.

  1. Baltimore – ( Thunder 1987 – 1999 )
  2. Chicago – ( Shamrox 2007 – 2008 )
  3. Boston – ( Blazers 1.0 1992 – 1997) – ( Blazers 2.0 2009 – 2011 )
  4. Edmonton – (Rush 2006 – 20015)
  5. Montreal – (Express 2002)
  6. Phoenix – (Sting 2004 – 2007)
  7. Charlotte – (Cobras 1996) Remember the Cobras
  8. Ottawa – (Rebel 2001-2003)

Now for first time cities.

  1.  Kansas City – Welcome back Russ ?
  2. Quebec City – Would prefer Montreal..
  3. Tampa Bay – Road Trip
  4. Winnipeg – Arena dates could be tough to come by
  5. Hartford – Would try Boston for the third time before trying Hartford.
  6. Seattle – Let the Kraken get settled in first.