Major League Lacrosse on Life Support

Press Release

The league is folding the following franchises . As a result, Major League Lacrosse will not be operating the Ohio Machine, the Florida Launch or the Charlotte Hounds in 2019. After the construction on American Legion Memorial Stadium is complete, the Charlotte Hounds will return in 2021 under new ownership. Discussions are ongoing for expansion with new owners for teams for the 2020 season.

Got to think Major League Lacrosse is on borrowed time with the PLL ready to start up. Will the restructuring help Major League Lacrosse? We doubt it very much.

Can PLL fill the void left by the MLL? Probably but there does not  seem to be much of an appetite or paying customers for that matter for outdoor lacrosse. 

We suspect the PLL will be throwing good money after bad as well and suffer a similar fate to Major League Lacrosse.