San Diego Welcomes Philadelphia to the League

From former Wings player and GM Steve Govett

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by Steve Govett / President, San Diego NLL

The City of Philadelphia and the Wings organization will always be a fixture in my heart. Having started my playing career with the Wings and winning three championships there as part of the dynasty that was the MILL and the NLL in the mid-90s was nothing short of amazing.

Playing in the Spectrum was a surreal experience, the home of the Broad Street Bullies!!! We were a sensation and the fans loved us. To run out of the tunnel in front of 16,000 screaming fans in an historic building was an experience in my life that I will cherish forever.

The 1994 Championship team will always be special to me – the bonds of those guys lives today, there was a genuine love of TEAM and winning was a byproduct. To win the ‘95 championship in the Spectrum in sudden-death overtime on a Gary Gait classic goal will always be a highlight for the Wings organization. The fans absolutely erupted and I will never forget the sound of sheer elation from our great fan base.

Winning in ‘98 in the first year of the new National Lacrosse League in our first year in the Wells Fargo Center is another historic moment for that franchise and for the League.

Not long after, I was asked to start a journey by Mike French, Russ Cline and Chris Fritz that I will forever be indebted to them for. As the new GM of the Wings organization, I was proud to launch my life’s career passion as a League Executive. If not for those guys and this team, I don’t begin down the path to the Mammoth and ultimately to San Diego. I love that brand and love those former owner – I owe them everything!

To come back to that building is monumental for the League and for the growth of the game. Indoor Lacrosse is back home.